Life is going well. I think I have adjusted to this motherhood thing. For a while there I felt a bit like a deer in the headlights. Im finding my groove. The girls are in a good routine, feed at 7:30, 11, 2, bath at 5:30 last feed at 6pm and then bed. Feed again at 3am and the cycle repeats. Its not too bad we are managing it well. It would be nice if they could sleep through, I cant wait to drop the 3am feed. Ive gotten somewhat used to it now and wake before they do almost every night. Our rule is that if 1 is awake we put them back to sleep until the others wake, if 2 are awake we wake the third. Often one screaming will set the others off anyway so I dont have to wake them up that often. I hate to wake a sleeping baby.
I cant remember if I mentioned but our night nanny left and we couldnt find a suitable replacement. The agency I was working through bought us an 18 year old smoker and an old lady with bleached hair who looked like she should be working the streets not in my house. She also kept on kissing the babies and I just hated thinking of what diseases she was giving them (sorry judgmental I know). so I just told the agency to get lost. It was the best decision I made. It made me feel like I was needed, when they cried I got up to them. There is something about feeding at 3am when everything is quiet that makes you realise what you have. I looked at these 3 babies and the love just flowed - I think this is when the bonding finally started. I was battling with the fact that during the day we have a nanny and during the night we had a nanny - I might as well not have been around. I felt like a spare wheel. Now I am involved during the day, can also have a rest without feeling guilty (how could I have rested in the day having a night nanny?) and get up to them at night. I believe this is what made me feel more like a mother.
Feeding is going OK. Our smallest girl (Little Girl) has a serious vomiting issue. She vomits at least once a day often times more. We have tried SO many things at the moment we feed her upright in a chair, her formula is thickened and we try and leave her for as long as possible afterwards. We wind her thoroughly, often taking 20 minutes to half an hour to get the winds up. I took all of them to the chiropractor, they dont suffer from colic as such but I wanted them to take a look at Little Girl and see if there is any reason why she is so hard to wind. Turns out she has a few spasms in her back muscles and you should have heard the winds that came out both ends after he had worked on her. Shame poor little thing she had them all trapped inside her. I would highly recommend seeing a chiro, it helped alot and now I have learnt how to do it myself.
I am also doing a baby massage class, like in a group of mommies of which I am a part of - imagine that! Im enjoying it alot. I can obviously only take one baby at a time so then I come home and do the massage on the others.
We took the babies out for the first time the other day. We must have looked quite the part. It took us about 20 minutes to get them out of their car seats and into the prams. We went out for breakfast. Shame they were pretty good, except towards the end they started getting a bit niggly.
Vaccinations have been fun. We had our second set the other day. Its not fun having to watch your child crying out in agony. Fat Cheeks got a screaming high temperature that night and I was quite afraid. Needless to say I never slept much just checking up on her every 5 minutes. The other two were fine. New weights are Fat Cheeks 5kg, Banana baby 5.1kg and Little Girl 4.2kg. Next time Ill tell you the story of how Banana got her name.
I seem to be in the shops permanently. There is always something that has run out. Nappies run low at the speed of light. We use around 750 a month. The formula that Im using is often not in stock so I have to buy as many cans as I can when I see it. We use about 15 cans a month!
I posted last time on my decision to stop expressing. It took almost 3 weeks for my milk to dry up. In the end I was actually just getting irritated. Every time the babies cried I would have a leaking session. I was expressing a little bit each day because I was suffering with engorgement eventually I decided to grin and bear it and stopped expressing. It was terrible, I was in pain for many days. I dont know how it works for everyone else but for me it took ages for my milk to stop.
Does anyone have a recommendation for a book/website for age specific stimulation exercises? We do tummy time, bumbo time, playmat time, singing and listening to cd's but any new ideas would be good.
Lastly I did an interview for my companies newspaper. I came out and said we had done fertility treatment so now it will be widely known. Im glad I did so and also mentioned that anyone battling to conceive should contact me if they want to chat.
The babies are also all smiling so much, every time they smile I want to melt. They are also becoming more cute by the day. Im really enjoying them at the moment. Life is good. :)
Dee, it seems to me you are all settling into being a family so nicely. Sounds as though you are coping beautifully and loving parenthood. I especially loved the line about the love flowing!
ReplyDeleteWhen I read that you have come out at work and offering your support to others it brought a tear to my eyes. It would be so easy for you to get caught up in your LGs, but instead you are STILL looking to give back to our community and building knoweldge in the public in general. Well done!
Glad to hear all things are falling in place. They are such little angel.
ReplyDeleteContact our antenatal classes there was a woman who specialised in baby stimulation..
They sound ADORABLE!
ReplyDeleteI know what you mean about always being at the shops - I'd forgotten :) I'd love to see how you store everything when you do have some time.
They are fantastic weights.
P.S. Are you going back to work? If so, when?
So fun to hear an update on life with triplets! I also love the chiro recommendation. I had never thought of that as a solution for baby gas (or wind, as you call it :), but it sounds like it can work wonders!
ReplyDeleteIt's so lovely when you find that groove! Something just ticks over and falls into place.
ReplyDeleteScary bleach lady would've freaked me out too! As it is, we've had to gently tell our nanny not to kiss Bella either!
I love reading about you and your precious trips. Such a blessing.
Oh my goodness triplets! Ok, you are a hero and a Saint among women, I went nutso with one baby at a time.
ReplyDeleteI know it's tiring, but these times are the best ones. They aren't as cute when they can tell you off :)